Joy To The World

Welcoming December means welcoming Christmas atmosphere. I am personally welcoming the joyfulness, cheerfulness, and colorfulness (regarding Red and Green as Christmas color). I like when all of sudden, how department stores, malls, grocery stores, and bookstores turn into Christmas atmosphere. I like when I have to find some presents for my friends who are celebrating Christmas. And, when I can see so many Christmas Tree all around the corner.

And so does the school. Christmas atmosphere is attacking my school. As today, we are having Christmas Party at Special Needs Department. One of the teacher and I made the Christmas Tree (picture seen above). Decorated the window with Christmas accessories and hung the Christmas wreath made with buttons. All were DIY's stuff.

Today is dedicated to the togetherness and happiness we share. We're doing exchange gift. Teachers give a present to the students. Otherwise, students bring a present for the teachers. So much fun. Also, we're having a potluck. Usually potluck, for North Americans, is a meal or party to which each of the guests contributes a dish to be eaten together. According to that, my students are asked to do the same thing, today. The theme for this semester is Western Meal. There are Spaghetti, Mini Burgers, Chicken Nuggets, French Fries, Chips, Popcorn, Pudding, and Fruits. Apologize for not publishing the photos. I was too busy handling the kids. :p

So, that's all for today. It's been such a tiring week making this event to be done. Still some to go. Will post it later.. :)


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