J'adore les chaussures!

Well from the title above I guess you can guess what this post about, eh? Yep. It's about my craziness over shoes!! It started when I found some affordable online shops with quirky style. I felt like I had to have that shoes on my own rack at home. Unfortunately, I hadn't earned money yet. I just bought the most I wanted with my saving money. I had to allow some of what I wanted were bought by someone else. :(

Since I earn my money now, I can buy some I want. Mostly, I love kind of pretty girly shoes like heels and wedges. I like sneakers and flats, too. Here are some babies I like the most! :)

Candi Red from I Wear Up

Nina Denim from I Wear Up

Brown Wedges, a birthday present

Fioni from Payless Shoe Source

Batik Boots and Flats from Kulkith and Batik Wedges from I Wear Up

Alice Black from I Wear Up


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